working from home in china

Most years, this would be a time of celebration all over China and East Asia.  This year, the Coronavirus outbreak cast a cloud over Lunar New Year celebrations.  Along with most businesses in China’s big cities, our team has been required to work from home during this difficult time.

Our Creative Director Ken says: “I’m from Wuhan.  I feel fortunate that my family is not affected and pray each day that things will improve for my home city”.

Our VP of Production says: “I’m glad that our artists are able to work from their homes. Many people in China do not have that opportunity and are losing their jobs due to the virus. I’m very proud of our artists for working through this hardship. Our US production managers and art directors are working closely with artists individually to ensure minimal impact to our important clients.

“Work seems a distant second to the safety and health of billions of people.  We are taking every precaution we can at CAH’s art facilities in China to ensure workers’ safety.  All artists are working from home. We’ve purchased as many facemasks for our team members for when they do need to leave the house,” James Zhang, CEO.